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St George's

Catholic Primary Voluntary Academy

We are learning and growing together as God's family.

We will always do our best to love and respect each other as we prepare for our future.

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Windrush 2021


St George’s Catholic Primary School was engaged in a range of activities to commemorate and celebrate ‘Windrush Day’.

A lot of learning has taken place throughout the school, with the children learning about the Windrush generation and the impact it has had on London.


Windrush Year 1T

A clip about Grenada.

Year 1 Song

Year 1 have had so much fun singing ‘Jamaican Farewell’. We hope you enjoy our video as much as we did!

We also took part in a joint collaborative project with some other schools in Harrow, celebrating an English-speaking Caribbean island. We learnt all about Grenada! You can see our part of the video below:

Windrush cluster collaboration video

All year groups have been making flags of the Caribbean islands and some beautiful artwork for our ‘Windrush’ Display!

In addition, the Year 1 children learnt about the experiences of Windrush passengers and imagined the journey, from leaving the sunny Caribbean to arriving in a colder Britain. The children illustrated the different types of weather in the Caribbean and England in their Art books. Here is some of our work!
