School Council News and Events 2023 - 2024
Poppy Appeal
Our School Council pupils have showcased remarkable dedication over the past two weeks, leading a heartfelt campaign to sell poppies within our school community and raise funds for the Poppy Appeal. Their tireless efforts not only exceeded expectations but also created a profound impact on our collective commitment to honouring the sacrifices of our servicemen and women. With a sense of duty and compassion, these bright and conscientious students engaged fellow students, teachers, and staff in meaningful conversations about the significance of the Poppy Appeal, fostering a spirit of remembrance and unity. The initiative was more than a fundraising endeavour; it was a collective act that united our school in respect for those who have given so much for our freedom. The funds raised by our School Council will undoubtedly contribute meaningfully to the Poppy Appeal, supporting veterans and their families in times of need. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the School Council for their exceptional leadership and to the entire school community for embracing the spirit of giving and remembrance. Through their collective efforts, our school has not only raised funds but also heightened awareness about the importance of commemorating the sacrifices made by our armed forces. Their achievements serve as a powerful reminder of the positive impact we can create when we come together for a worthy cause.
YES Fest (Youth Eco Summit)
Today we went to West Lodge primary school for our first ECO Fest school council trip. We did lots of activities and it was so much fun! We watched a 30 minute live video directly from the Rainforest Biome at the Eden Project where we explored different plants and how to protect them. Afterwards, we went to a workshop and learnt about what damages we are doing to our wonderful planet earth and how we can reduce carbon emission in our schools. Next, we went to a hut to hear magical story about earth, and even got to sculpt different animals such as dragons and turtles. Finally, we explored a woodland where we closely examined the different mini beasts, plants and trees that have lived for many years.
Sophia (4M) and Ethan (4J)