School Council News and Events 2022 - 2023
Mayoral Visit with School Council
When we started the official meeting, a macebearer requested everyone to stand up because Madam Mayor was entering the room. When Madam Mayor approached her seat, she invited everyone to sit down, and the macebearer placed the Mace down on a special stand. Shortly after, we introduced ourselves, and Madam Mayor also introduced herself. Next, we took turns to ask our prepared questions such as, 'What inspired you to become a Mayor?' or ' What is it like to be a Mayor?'
When we finished our meeting, we lined up at the door and shook her hand. We also got the opportunity to hold her chain, which was made of pure gold. Later on, we went outside where Tomek in 5M was allowed to wear macebearer's clothes, and hold the Mace. After that, year 4, 5 and 6 went on a tour with Madam Mayor around the school. We had a fantastic time with Madam Mayor, and wish her all the best in her future endeavours :)
Written by Hannah (6S) and Adleigh (5H)
School council pupils