Remote learning during lockdown
In January 2021, all our classes returned to full-time education at home following the new tier 4 Covid-19 closure in December 2020.
We have therefore put in place a plan for remote learning so that all children can continue with their education. This meets the expectations set out in the DfE guidance ‘Remote Education Support’.
If a child does not have access to a computer/laptop/tablet and/or the internet, we will do all we can to support the children. Every week, all teaching information for each year group, will be available via SCHOOL PING in order to reduce paperwork for parents and contact in school.
Where funding can be accessed, remote devices (eg, laptops) and/or 4G connections will be sought, particularly for disadvantaged children. Parents will need to make the school aware of any barriers to accessing remote learning.
Our staff have worked tirelessly in ensuring that all your children/s learning continues without too much discomfort and that they get the support and education they need during these hard times.
The government’s requirement that schools should provide 3-5 hours of remote learning each day should not equate to 3-5 hours in front of a screen! Remote learning involves reading and other guided activities, that go beyond a focus on the screen.
Supporting your children's remote education during coronavirus (COVID-19)
We have updated the guidance for parents to support their children’s remote education to provide more information for parents and carers as they support their children at home.
We have added top tips for supporting children during remote education, including links to information about the Reading Well booklist that supports mental health. We have also provided information on how to access online resources and services through your local library and online support for parents and carers to keep children and young people safe from online harm.
Home learning
Additional resources to support your child/children with home learning.
Early Years
- Online resources home learning hub, which has been made free for duration of closures. May need to sign up but well worth it. This is split into subject and topics.
- Online resources which have been made free for duration of closures.
May need to sign up but well worth it. This is split into subject and topics. Also has interactive games to use.
- Wide selection of free streaming stories for the duration of closures (doesn’t work on internet explorer).
- Some amazing ART ideas for creative learning at home
- Loads of online games for maths (I’ve linked to hit the button which is great for learning times tables).
- Learning at home with BBC Bitesize from year 1 to year 9
- Made by the literacy trust and split into age groups. Comprehensive portal for literacy based stuff.
Some great art activities and ideas
Teach Your Monster to Read – The ground breaking game that makes learning to read fun
loads of online vids with writing ideas and also links to maths and spelling but I think these need signing up to.
101 Sunday School Games (Fun & Easy) Bible Activities
- Bible based Sunday school games for grade school that are both fun and challenging to support your Bible lessons and help teach kids the Word of God
Free online resources are available to all library members which include audio and ebooks, newspapers and reference materials. There is also a toolkit for parents offering a range of resources to help with homework and reading, links to information on health and well-being, cultural activities such as virtual museum tours and free online theatre productions.
If you and your children are not yet members, join now by completing the online form on the Harrow Council website: Words for Life is a very useful site for parents with tips on how to help your children with reading and learning. Created by the National Literacy Trust parents, children and young people can find activities and suggestions for improving their language, literacy and communication skills from home Finally, the Book Trust’s Hometime Hub arranges reading resources for families by age group and provides a summary what’s on guide for every day of the week. Look here for free online books, videos, games, book-themed quizzes, activities, story times and draw-alongs:
We would like to recommend an excellent free e-book for children aged 5-9 about the Coronovirus outbreak and the importance of hygiene.
Illustrator Axel Scheffler who illustrated The Gruffalo, commented, “I think it is extremely important for children and families to have access to good and reliable information in this unprecedented crisis, and I hope that the popularity of the books I’ve done with Julia Donaldson will ensure that this digital book will reach many children who are now slightly older, but might still remember our picture books.”