Laudato Si' Week March 2022
Laudato Si'
Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Si', is a profound invitation to everyone on the planet to care for our common home.
Pope Francis challenges us to consider the world we want to leave to those who come after us- Living wisely, Thinking Deeply and Loving Generously.
The encyclical discusses the damage being inflicted on the Earth by humans and calls on 'every person living on this planet' to make urgent changes to our lifestyles.
At St. George's, the children have the opportunity to actively take part in a diverse range of activities that explore environmental issues and increase community engagement, immersing themselves in the message of Laudato Si'.
The school led a Laudato Si' Week in March 2022 to highlight the issues raised in the encyclical.
Pictures from some of the students nature walks as part of Laudato Si' week
Buchanan Court Visit
Representatives from Year 3 had a wonderful visit with residents from Buchanan Court Care Home, delivering letters composed during Laudato Si' week.