Extended schools and clubs
St George’s Breakfast & After School Club
Breakfast Club runs from 7:30am to 8:40am, Monday to Friday
Pricings: (These are due an annual review by Governors)
-Standard Rate £4.20
-Reduced Rate £3.70 (Sibling discount)
(Please note: Reduced rates apply to families with more than one child per family attending the provision on the same day. The reduced rate is applied to each child)
Food: Cereal, toast, hot breakfast
Activities: Board games, drawing, puzzles and outdoor play (weather dependent)
After School Club runs from 3:15pm to 5:55pm Monday to Friday
Pricings: (These are due an annual review by Governors)
-Standard Rate £7.90
-Reduced rates £7.20 (Sibling discount)
(Please note: Reduced rate applies to families with more than one child per family attending the provision on the same day. The reduced rate is applied to each child)
Food: Sandwiches, biscuits and a drink
Activities: Arts & Crafts, games, computers, DVDs and outdoor play (weather dependent)
Children have to be picked up from after school club by 5.55pm. An additional £1.00 per minute will be charged for late pickup after this time.*
Please see documents attached for more information about our extra curricular activities and clubs.
Breakfast, After school club and Extended schools forms
If you wish to book your child for BREAKFAST and/or AFTER SCHOOL CLUB, please CLICK HERE.
*NOTE* If you have not registered before, please register using the email address you gave to the school.